It's a well known fact that Namco are developing games for the dreamcast but nobody
in their right mind ever thought this would be among them.
As anyone who has paid their hard earned cash to have sex with horses at their local amusement arcade will know, this is truly a game to work up a sweat about. The dreamcast port of the game will feature not just horses but a whole plethora of beasties, from wee gerbils to a fantabulouslu huge elephant! Just imagine being able to virtually shag all these different animals in your own home literally twenty four hours a day.
The screenshot above shows that there's still some way to go before the game is
complete but I for one just can't wait. The only worry so far is the lack of
any details about controllers for the game. We expect the standard joypad
to work, but even with a rumble pack it's pretty tame compared to the arcade. The chances are we'll have to wait until early 2005 for this title. Until then I recommend you get down your local arcade and get those horsey juices flowing. Anticipation factor: A horse shagging 7 out of 10 |