ecco the dolphin
the story of a legend
He is one of the most famous and most loved dolphins in the world.
Kind, caring and always smiling, Ecco seemed to be the ideal marine friend
for any child. A pillar of the community and a model citizen he seemed to
stand for everything that is great about america.
But deep beneath that shiny blue exterior there is a darker side to Ecco that until
now has been hidden from the media. Here at JumpySpider we have signed an
exclusive deal with Ecco's old friend Darwin who agreed to tell us everything.
Hi, I'm Darwin the talking dolphin. You may remember seaing me in the hit television series
SeaQuest DSV, and in SeaQuest 2032 if you tunaed in before it was canned.
Bassically, back then me and Ecco were the best of friends. For a while we shared a small
plaice and although we were packed in like sardines we still had a whale of
a time. But then Ecco got famous too, he was thrown right in at the deep end and he couldn't
take the (water) pressure.
He'd have a different hooker every night, and soon he developed a nasty drug habit.
He became really crabby and finally one day he just flippered out. I really
shouldn't have piked a fight with him, he was always more mussely than I was but
anyway it happened, he won and I left. Just to rub salt into the wound, he stole my gillfriend.
Still, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
I know you're all waiting with baited breath, so now I'm going to diveulge the true story of Ecco. I only wish I'd done it sonar.
Ecco was born in 1983 in the north atlantic. His mother abandoned him when he was just a baby and
he would surely have perished had he not been rescued by a fishermans friend and taken to
SeaWorld in florida where he attended school and first met Flipper who he went on to become
best friends with.
But Ecco was never really happy in captivity and at the age of 8, inspired by the movie Free Willy,
he and Flipper escaped from SeaWorld. Back in the wild Ecco and Flipper went on to form a right-fin
paramilitary group called The Ecco Revolution (subsequently shortened to Evolution) and start a
war of terrorism against Sea World and other aquaria around the world.....
To read more of this exciting story you can buy Darwin's book entitled
Darwins Theory Of Evolution, available in bookshops now!