You want Goblins? We give you Goblins
We got white goblins, black goblins, green goblins, yellow goblins, hot goblins, hob goblins, knob goblins, gobblin goblins, haemo-goblins, big goblins, little goblins, crouching goblins, hidden goblins, welsh goblins, old goblins, young goblins, and more goblins besides.
The Goblin Information Centre (TM) is the world's number one Centre for Goblin related Information... The
First up, here's a guide to spotting the difference between a real goblin and a fake one... good goblins, good goblins! nice to see you goblins, to see you goblins nice!

Although this may appear to be a goblin it is infact a human man being with some sub StarTrek quality prosthetics. Tell tale signs are the ears which are over-exagerated even by goblin standards, and the silly hat which no self-respecting goblin would be seen dead in. It's just so last year!

The goblin shark is as bizarre and mysterious as its name implies: a flat horn points from its forehead while its protruding jaws reveal a toothy overbite. Scientists believe it uses the long, soft snout to find its food. Very little is known about this rarely seen shark that lives submerged 1,800 feet below the surface. Only 36 goblin sharks have been captured since 1898; the largest weighed 466 pounds and was about 12 ½ feet long. Most were found in the waters off Japan; others have been spotted in the Atlantic Ocean, off France, Portugal and Guinea.... Not actually a goblin though is it?

To be honest I wouldn't know a goblin if it came up and bit me on the arse. Neither would this man, even if the metaphorical goblin were a solution to global warming or an end to war.... er... metaphorically speaking... you see?
i'll get my coat