The world's best unnoffical Indrema fansite
Welcome to the fansite
You may think that this page is somewhat insincere in pledging it's alliegence to Indrema. You may think we're being a little harsh on Indrema. You may think Indrema have got enough problems on their hands without people taking the piss out of them. On two of these counts you could well be right... but what harm is taking the piss going to do? After all it is a console doomed to ultimate failure...
As a tribute to the cool unique styling of the Indrema website and adverts I've decided to use a lovely Serif font for this page rather than the usual Sans Serif collection... it's just sooo nineteen nineties!
Revolutionary New Design
As you can see from the picture the i600 is a revolution in hardware design. Painted with a special material that makes it look just like a rendered image, and with joypad ports positioned at a slightly odd angle as if they'd been pasted on afterwards the i600 oozes style and finesse. The much hyped infra-red controllers do away with the need for joypad ports altogether.. er... oh.. but.. is that just a mock up? ...umm .. look a llama with a gun!
Jeff Minter supports Indrema
Never has a consoles future been more secure than when Jeff Minter gives it his backing, and now that he has successfully propelled Nuon into the marketplace he has turned his hand to the Indrema... I bet they feel much happier now. Anyway, here is sneak preview of Jeff Minter's first Indrema outing, due for release sometime never
Jeff Minter's Daikallamarama(rama) has been in development for over twenty years now and is still nowhere near complete. Originally using the Llamatron engine it was upgraded to the Revenge of The Mutant camels engine, then the Tempest engine, then Tempest 2000, Quake, Tempest 3000, Unreal and finally the Space Invaders engine (with added particle effects).
Daikallamarama is divided into four chapters set in different time periods, from ancient Greece where you play as a Greek llama god, to Neo-tokyo where you play as a giant robotic Mechallama. I can't wait!
Top Ten Reasons To Buy An Indrema Console
This top ten list of reasons is taken directly from the official Indrema website... take out all those based on hypocritical anti-corporate views or just plain bitterness and jealousy and you're left with.... not a lot. They've got a point though PS2 does look ridiculous.