Hi I'm Leonard Nimoy, the actor. I will be your narrator on these, the adventures of Jesus Christ (our almighty lord and saviour, the one true lord) (TM). His mission, to forgive the sins of those who have trespassed, lead us not into temptation and boldly go where no deity has gone before...
But how, I hear you ask, did Jesus Christ (our almighty lord and saviour, the one true lord) (TM) come to be in the 21st century? Well truthfully I can't hear you ask that, after all you haven't read it yet, how could you? I haven't even finished writing it. So how did I know you were going to ask, and how also did I know you were going to ask how I knew you were going to ask? It's simply a matter of logic, I thought to myself what would be the most logical question for one with an inquisitve mind? And being of inquisitive mind myself it followed that the first question I posed myself would be that which would also be pose to me by others. And that is how I reached my conclusion. Which brings me back
to the initial question "How did Jesus Christ (our almighty lord and saviour, the one true lord) (TM) come to be in the 21st century?". Actually, come to think of
it how did he? It doesn't make any logical sense, he would be over two thousand years old,
and born of a virgin mother, how could that be, logic dictates that only through intercourse
may a child be born... how.. agh.. no.. I am an actor! Full steam ahead captain, hoist the
main sail and reroute powers to the warp nacelles.. don't take me back to the hospital