summer holiday party! | ||
From left to right here's what they had to say for themselves.
D6v1d: Hi, I'm D6V1D B0W13. Today I have decided to dress as a Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtle because turtles are the latest thing. Everyone else has come as some
kind of stupid little tellytubby creatures or something, the fools. They are all so
out of touch and they don't even realise it!
Natasha: Hi, I'm Natasha Symms from Hollyoaks. I think David only invited me
so he could try and kiss me. He wouldn't leave me alone when we played kiss chase
earlier on. He wanted me to come dressed as April O'Neal as well the sicko!
D6v1d: Hey, that's a lie you poopy pants! And don't call me David, my name is
bloody D6V1D!!!... Anyway April O'Neal would have been a cool costume...
Natasha: Alright, keep your shell on David!... I mean d6v1d... How the chuff do
you pronounce d6v1d anyway? desixvewunder?? Sounds like Stevie Wonder to me, which
is quite appropriate given your dress sense.
D6v1d: Shut up!! Shut up!!! It's my party I'll wear what I damned well like...
You've broken the left to right order now and confused everyone!
Natasha: You started it!
D6v1d: Did not!
Natasha: Did too!
Leonard: Give it a rest you two, give someone else a chance. Pikachu.. would you
like to tell everyone a bit about yourself?
Pikachu: But I'm only the token black kid, nobody thought to give me a character
Leonard: You mean like Uhuru in Star Trek?
D6v1d: Why does it always have to be about Star Trek? Anyway, that's such a racist
attitude. In the future racial discrimination will be a thing of the past, whites and
niggers will be able to eat in the same restaurants...
Pikachu: That's already happened white trash boy!
D6v1d: Yeah, and men have landed on the moon!!
Leonard: That's already happened too, although no-one has been back for years, unlike in Star Trek which...
D6v1d: AAAArrgh! Shut up!! Jesus christ!!!
Jesus: Don't take my name in vain david
D6v1d: Who invited you, freaky walking on water boy? Where are you hiding anyway?
Jesus: Your mum invited me, I'm hiding behind the apple tree...
D6v1d: Bitch, she always does that... Anyway, can someone else please say something...
Voilet: Hi, I'm Voilet Berlin the famous video game journawist, you may wemember me fwom such tewetext pages as 471, 472 and more recentwy 172.
Pikachu: snigger.. like your really famous! At least I came as a Pokemon
everyone knows the name of!
D6v1d: Pokey mon? What kind of jive talking nonsense is that you little brat?
Phillipa: For gods sake desixvewunder keep your racist attitudes to yourself
D6v1d: Who asked your opinion bitch? I suppose presenting robot bores makes you
an expert on racism does it? Face it, you're only on there for sad computer geeks to
clip-off over.
Phillipa: That's not nice! I haven't had a chance to say anything yet and then you
go slagging me off!
D6v1d:You started it!
Phillipa: Did not!
D6v1d: Did bloody too!
Jesus: He's right actually, you did
Phillipa: He did deserve it though, didn't he?
Jesus: Yeah, fair point...
Leonard: This party is rubbish, I want food... where's the replicator?
Voilet: Get a gwip Weonard!
D6v1d: Right, that's it!! I've had enough!!! I'm going to kill you all with my
Voilet: Ahah..ahaah..
Pikachu: snigger
D6v1d: What??
Leonard: That is not logical desixvewunder, your Katana is made of a petroleum
based polymer which would be unlikely to cause any significant damage.
D6v1d: I could have someones eye out with it!
Phillipa: Not if Sergeant Bash has anything to do with it.
Natasha: I feel I'm being left out of this conversation
Jesus: say something then, prove that not all models are empty headed bimbos..
Natasha: ....
Join us next week to see if Natasha really did say anything interesting and, if the
arguing stops, maybe you'll even get to find out who's the best apple dunker in the land
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