"I swear we've been superimposed onto this background"
"No, it's just the camera flash lighting us funny.."
"Jeff, stop that! This is a public place you know, and besides you're making me giggle.

"Hey Jeff, come out from under the table!"
"Sorry, when you said pork sausage I thought you meant..."


As always our trusty butchers have been busy all week arranging Pork Pies for your viewing pleasure. This week they have both chosen a minimal arrangement of pies with a futuristic feel.

Although the pie arrangements are an exciting prospect try to take a step back and consider for a while what the future of pies really means... What is the hidden link between a humble pork pie and the future of the twenty first century?....

All will be revealed shortly, but first please select an arrangement to have a butchers at... by butchers I refer both to the colloquialism for looking at and the fact that pork pies are technically a meat based product. It's a play on words, do you see?


Three Pie Arrangement

Five Pie Arrangement