Hello and welcome to Little Brother, the show that takes the Big Brother concept and adds a unique twist. Over the next seven weeks you will be able to watch this anti-social experiment unfold, almost live and just after it happens. Taking human existence to the next level!
So what is the concept behind Little Brother?
We decided that normal everyday people are far too boring for a cult t.v. show like
Little Brother so we decided that we would use only the most exciting and controversial big name stars for the show. That turned out to be too expensive so instead we searched high and low for the most washed-up, bankrupt, desperate, out-of-work actors we could find and managed to get them to agree to be on the show simply for the free food and a roof over their heads.
Surely there's more to it than that?
But of course. Simply adding a melodramatic bunch of has-beens to the mix wasn't enough
to make the show exciting and cutting edge. As you all know, in Big Brother the housemates were evicted from the house one by one by a voting system, well to spice it
up a bit housemates are now evicted by a system of cold-blooded murder! The housemates
are provided with a selection of unlikely weapons and at the end of each week they must decided
between them who to murder.
Isn't that a bit gruesome?
Hey that's television, baby! It will guarantee us huge viewer ratings and it also provides us with a great opportunity for sponsorship
You've lost me... Would you care to elaborate?
It's quite obvious really. Each week after the murder has taken place the viewers have
an opportunity to guess the circumstances of the murder. For example, you might guess
that it was contestant number one in the lounge with the bread-knife. The first correct
answer drawn from the victims hollowed out skull, live on air I might add, wins a car
or holiday or whatever and we get companies to sponsor the show and donate the prizes.
"This weeks murder was sponsored by Lunn Poly" that kind of thing..
Well, I think you're stark raving mad
But you'll watch the show, you won't able to resist watching. That's the beauty of the whole rotten scheme. At the end of it all we've got seven dead contestants and one minor celebrity thrust back into the spotlight after years of opening supermarkets and school fetes, and I can walk off with all the cash. Wicked!
Meet The Contestants