The Man Spider Diaries
Spiders log, spiderdate 5193.5: What a jolly hectic day that was. I was quite happily enjoying a nice relaxing game of croquet on the lawn with my good friend Peter Parker when I got an urgent call on the spider phone. The chief inspector was kind enough to inform me that my latest girlfriend has placed a restraining order upon me to prevent me going within fifty yards of her, a simple misunderstanding I'm sure...
I was forced to cut short my game of croquet, consequently forfeiting my place at next weeks club meeting, in order to go and get matters straightened out. A trivial concern really, yet it still put me in a terribly bad frame of mind.
I had a quiet evening by myself again, I'm sure she will forgive me soon. I tried several times to ring Peter to schedule another croquet session but I just got his answering machine again, I think his phone must be broken because he never recieves my messages.... Goodnight.
Contact me eletronically manspider@jumpyspider.com or for any legal matters contact my lawyer directly at spiderlawyer@jumpyspider.com, you may have to wait a few days for a response as he is currently snowed under with work.